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The Firm started to operate in 1998 and currently consists of 4 partners operating in the offices in Bologna and Udine with the support of 10 professionals who collaborate in project teams with a multidisciplinary approach, supplying tax and corporate consultancy to companies.
The Firm offers extensive interdisciplinary consulting, ranging from ordinary tax and corporate consultancy to the field of M&A and extraordinary financing.
Specific skills have also been developed:
- in the field of international taxation, from the point of view of both direct and indirect taxation;
- in tax litigation and in relations with the Tax Authorities in all pre-litigation phases.

The Firm therefore proposes its services as a complete interlocutor, able to accompany the client at every stage of the evolution of his business, since it can offer a range of highly specialised skills and services. With reference to legal and contractual issues, the Firm collaborates with leading law firms and with an associated notary’s office. The professionalism, competence and constant professional updating ensure that the Firm can solve any tax issue and meet any tax and legal need of Italian and multinational companies.